Icone thème sur-mesure personnalisation
Who hasn't dreamt of making a custom decoration? Ballkit helps you to make it happen!

Pad printing: The Christmas ball or window personalized and customized with your company logo. An essential advertising accessory for your points of sale!

The Engraving: A ball with your effigy. Personalized ball for wedding ballotin, christening dragées ball. Engraving on transparent, colored, opaque or tinted balls... Infinite ideas to make your moments unique!

Cutting: Increase your customization possibilities with product cutting. With its wide choice of available materials and your imagination, transform classic products into exclusive ones!

Stickers: Stick the texts or symbols of your choice on your products with the stickers. The simple but effective option, for a perfect grip.

  • Boules plastiques colorées tampographie
  • Boule plastique noire tampographie Joyeuses Fêtes
  • Boules plastiques rouge Coca Cola
  • Boules plastiques noires tampographie Azzaro
  • Boule de champagne tampographie
  • Boule plastique tampographie bistro
  • Boule plastique tampographie logo La Poste
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